Yeahhhh, finally the weather has warmed up a little. Amazing the difference a few degrees can make! All the plants in the gardens are noticeably taking off; I have greens galore!
Big news this week is that I got the go-ahead from Steve at Brookbank Farm to start work on his land. If you recall, his field has been lying fallow for many years and so this Spring he has been turning it over for me with his tractor. He has turned it at least five times - thank you Steve! The soil looks fabulous, though I know it will be pretty weedy this year with all the weed seeds that have been stirred up.
I have moved a bunch of transplants from the greenhouse into the field (leeks, onions, salad greens, parsley, and also potato starts). Still many more to go and many seeds to plant. I also really need to get going on getting a fence built around the field - the deer will devastate my work in no time if I don't!