Thursday, May 15, 2008

busy, busy, busy

I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with how busy I am right now! Whose crazy idea was it to get married and move house in May? May has got to be the busiest month for a farmer with all the frenzy of planting (especially now that the weather has finally warmed up and I feel like I'm doing catch-up after the delay due to the cold) without having other stuff to do too! I keep reminding myself to breath and keep calm, it will all come together.

This week I spent two days (that I could have been planting!) building a fence around the farm field to keep the deer out. Actually, Paul (who will be my husband in 2 days!) and I built it. There is absolutely no way I could have done it without him, in fact, I couldn't have got this business going at all without his support - I'm very grateful to have him in my life. Anyway, the fence looks awesome, check it out below, and most importantly it will keep the deer out.

Steve, the owner of this land, told us a funny story. After day one we had all the poles up but only half the fencing. That evening Steve saw three deer cross the road and head straight towards the fence. They stopped as they couldn't get through, walked around the corner (where there was no fencing!) and followed the line of poles without going inside, and left the area!!

The gardens are all going crazy right now. I have SO MANY greens! Yesterday I picked a huge pile of greens (will give them away to the people who are letting me use their land) and barely made a dent in the bed. I also harvested a complete bed of radishes. The radishes looked so beautiful I had to take a picture:

Today I plan to do a full day of planting. I have a bunch of transplants still to go out: broccoli, celeriac, red and white onions, parsley. I would really like to seed some more beds with shallots, peas, carrots and beets. Also, I would love to have a wall of sunflowers along the fence, must get them in too!

Enjoy the sun! :o)