Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The new field is fenced...

What a constructive week I've had: nearly all my greenhouse plants have been potted up, numerous flats of transplants have been put into the ground, even more veggies have been seeded, the new field on Henry Road has been fenced, a lot of weeding has been done, and my new improved wash station is ready to go. Yes, I'm tired but in a satisfying way!

Here is the new field at the farm joined with the original field. We took the fencing off of on one side of the original field and combined the two to make one large one.

Here Paul is putting the finishing touches to tighten the fence - twisting pieces of wire around the fence and post.

I like this picture because it really gives a sense of the amount of work that has already been done this season - and this is just one location. It is amazing what can be done with a few good hand tools and some muscle power!