I would like to introduce some of my wonderful csa customers. These people committed to a brand new venture based on my word alone; I had no previous experience or reputation to show them - that is a huge leap of faith and I'm extremely grateful for their support.

It is amazing what I am still producing from the gardens. Below are some pics of the veggies at the pick up last week:

I've been busy lately preparing all the beds for Winter. The beds that aren't being used have been weeded and seeded with rye and clover. A few beds had manure added to them and I've planted garlic in them. The cloves I planted came from the garlic I grew this year at Lee Ann's house. It is fabulous! Huge, beautiful cloves. Paul hates to see them put in to the ground - he wants to cook with them!
I've also started cleaning out the hoophouse at the farm, removing old basil and tomato plants. I'm going to add some compost to the soil and then start some Winter greens in there. It will be interesting to see how they do. I'm planning on putting row cover over them too, so with the double protection of the plastic and row cover they have a fighting chance perhaps. I do wish I had put the hoophouse in a different location though. I'm finding now that the sun is lower in the sky there is a good portion of the day when the hoophouse is in shade because the sun is behind a large tree. I'm not going to move the hoophouse now though, maybe in the Spring if the Winter greens don't work out as well as I hope.
I've also started cleaning out the hoophouse at the farm, removing old basil and tomato plants. I'm going to add some compost to the soil and then start some Winter greens in there. It will be interesting to see how they do. I'm planning on putting row cover over them too, so with the double protection of the plastic and row cover they have a fighting chance perhaps. I do wish I had put the hoophouse in a different location though. I'm finding now that the sun is lower in the sky there is a good portion of the day when the hoophouse is in shade because the sun is behind a large tree. I'm not going to move the hoophouse now though, maybe in the Spring if the Winter greens don't work out as well as I hope.