Lately I've been feeling like I'm at the start line of a race and I'm waiting and waiting for the gun to fire so I can get started! It is often sunny and feeling Spring-like but it is still so cold that I'm holding back from getting more transplants outside and starting new varieties of seeds both inside and out; it feels like the cold will never retreat! This doesn't mean I have been idle though. I've been planting more peas - pole peas this time, and yesterday transplanted 100 or so endive seedlings outside and another 60 pac choi seedlings. Today I did start a flat each of genovese basil (let's hear it for pesto!) and three more varieties of tomatoes. These are all inside my house right now (in the heated bathroom) and I'm hoping by the time they need sunlight the weather will be at least a few more degrees warmer so that they can cope with the colder temperatures at night in the greenhouse.
I checked in on all the gardens to see how everything planted in the last few weeks are faring in the cold (it was 0 degrees C a couple of night ago!). No worries, everything looks awesome! I also spent a day this week, with the help of my son, finishing turning over the rest of the rye and clover at Lee Ann's. I will have to spend a day in a week or so going through the beds more carefully and pulling any morning glory roots I see. Regular readers of this blog will know that I have just a bit of an issue with morning glory - I hate it!
This week I discovered a website put together by a guy who is doing exactly what I'm doing, it is worth checking out:
And here is a link to an article that you may find interesting, it presents various models for reclaiming urban land to grow food on it: