Hello again! It has been too long since my last post but I do have a good excuse, I was away on vacation. Now that I'm back from my travels I'm excited about getting started on the 2009 season. I had a fabulous time on the Big Island of Hawaii, did lots of hiking across lava fields, snorkeling with fish, turtles and even an octopus, visited many isolated beaches and even an active volcano, read five books (!), and worked on an organic lettuce farm. Yes you read right, I worked while on holiday! I learned a lot at the farm and am planning on implementing some of their ideas, but best of all it was just plain fun.
A couple of weekends ago Paul got my seedling area set up in our basement. I started some trays: red onions, two types of leeks, endive, green onions and fennel. These will be followed shortly by broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, many varieties of lettuce, more onions, italian parsley, mustards and kale. And this only takes me to March! Of course, the peas and radish will go out in the field very soon too. I love this time of year: the activity after being idle through the Winter, the anticipation, the expectation, and being outside again.
I am excited to announce that this year the CSA program will include some produce from The Green Room. Linda and Gabriel, the owners, grow fabulous certified organic tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers to die for! These are items that are quite difficult to grow well in the field in our area. I'm very excited to collaborate with Linda and Gabriel in order to bring even better quality produce to my customers.