Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A white Christmas!

What a crazy couple of weeks we have had! We have had constant sub-zero temperatures (very unusual for our neck of the woods) and two snow storms. We have about a foot and a half of snow on the ground and another foot expected tonight; if anything survives in the hoophouse I will be amazed. It has been a full-time job keeping the snow off of the hoophouses so they don't collapse. Thank goodness Paul thought ahead and put some supports in them both the day before the snows started, otherwise they would have collapsed by now for sure! As it is, they are built with pvc pipe, which I have found gets quite brittle in the cold.

Yesterday I dug down in the snow where I knew the brussels sprouts were (you couldn't see them) and harvested some for Christmas dinner. Gotta love Winter crops!

Yes, we will have a white Christmas this year, what a treat! Since I've been in Canada I only recall that happening once before. Seasons greetings to everybody, may 2009 bring everything you dream of. :o)


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Oh dear......

It is SO long since my last posting! In fact, it is so long that I hardly know where to begin.

I recently committed to a new space in Gibsons; an elderly gentleman named Bruce has kindly allowed me to use his large vegetable garden as he is not able to work it anymore. The space has raised beds and lots of sunshine. Right now it is quite overgrown and will take a major bit of work to get it cleaned up, but I think it will be worth it. Now is a good time to be working on it while there is not too much to do at the other spaces.

Tim and Wendy have also built another veggie bed at their place for me to use. It is so awesome because slowly but surely their grass is all disappearing and being replaced by veggies - they love it, and I love it too!

I decided to put together a 'To Do' list for the Winter:
  • design business cards
  • shelving and lights for seedlings
  • turn compost and cover (better late than never?)
  • look for space for wash station and pickup
  • build a wash table with grid surface
  • put together seed list for 2009
  • buy more harvesting bins
  • fencing for new field at farm
  • build or buy a cooler
It is amazing to me that it can be the middle of December and I still have quite an abundance of veggies growing despite there having been a few pretty hard frosts: arugula, pac choi, broccoli sprouts, mustard greens, kale, swiss chard, brussels sprouts, chinese cabbage, red cabbage, mizuna, green onions, and even lettuce in the hoop house! A few weeks ago I had an abundance of cauliflower; I left a few of them a little too long and they got some frost damage. Now I know, unlike other Winter veggies, cauliflower does not like frost at all.

I recently started learning to make my own cheese. It is SO MUCH FUN! My only problem is trying to find a source for local raw milk, I had no idea it would be so difficult. I would be making so much more if I could find the milk. I'm just going to have to get myself a couple of goats! I actually wish I could but it is impractical as I don't have the space where we live right now.

The sun is blazing outside so I can't sit here in front of the computer anymore. I will do another update soon..........really!! :o)
