Exciting news! I have a second space to work in that I am very excited about. A friend of mine recently moved into a new home ; her garden area is quite large and up to this point has been empty, except for sod that was put down last week. It is a large sunny lot perfect for sun-loving veggies. However, my friend is too busy to grow veggies herself, so I presented the idea to her that she should let me grow them in her space and in exchange she gets as many organic veggies as she likes. She loves the idea and is happy to support me in my new business venture. Bonus, I get to visit my friend more regularly!
The space is great for many reasons, but not ideal. The lot is level, but this was only achieved because the builders brought in truck loads of sand - in some spots it is up to four feet deep! Pure sand, no soil! My plan is to build up the soil over the Fall and Winter, and if all goes well I will have decent soil by the Spring. Today I started defining some beds with approximately 3-4" leaves and old spoiled hay I got for free. I added 3-4" peat moss on top of this and a sprinkling of lime.Next week I am going to add approximately 8" of compost. This will be covered with more leaves (not hay as I don't want it sprouting on top of all my hard work!) and then left to 'simmer' until the Spring.
It is quite a lot of work right now but, keeping my fingers crossed, this effort will be worth it come next year.